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bowhunter 3d shoot contest

All entrants entered for chance to win $500 Scheels gift card. $25 Scheels gift card to the winner of each class.

All cub and youth classes:

$10 per shooter
Young adult and adult classes: $15 per shooter

Course will consist of:
25 targets
2 arrows per target
Marked yardage
Rangefinders welcome


CFS = Cub (Age up to 11 years old) both male and female in same class


Freestyle = You can shoot any bow with a movable sight, any length stabilizer, and use a release aid. sight can have certain magnifications.

YFS = Youth (Ages 12 through 14) both male and female in same class


Freestyle = You can shoot any bow with a movable sight, any length stabilizer, and use a release aid. The sight can have certain magnifications.


YAFFS = Young Adult Female open (Ages 15 through 17)


YAMFS = Young Adult Male open (Ages 15 through 17)


Freestyle = You can shoot any bow with a movable sight, any length stabilizer, and use a release aid. The sight can have certain magnifications.

AMBFS = Adult Male Bow hunter (18 and over)


AFBFS= Adult Female hunter (18 and over)


Bowhunter Freestyle (coded BHFS) bows can have up to 5 fixed sight pins (you cannot adjust your sight after you start shooting an official round), a stabilizer up to 12" in length, and you can use a release aid.
These are usually compound bows.


AMFS = Adult Male open (18 and over)


AFFS = Adult Female open (18 and over)


Freestyle = You can shoot any bow with a movable sight, any length stabilizer, and use a release aid. The sight can have certain magnifications.


SM =Senior Male (50 and over)


SF =Senior Female(50 and over)

All styles 

Adult Male Traditional= Recurve or longbow –

no sight or stabilizers – fingers


Adult Female Traditional = Recurve or longbow –

no sight or stabilizers – fingers

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